воскресенье, 8 марта 2015 г.

Our travelling

I went to Novograd-Volynsky last August with my husband and our sons, Kiril and Oleksa. We went by Kiril’s car.

We stayed for two days in a small hotel “Leon” in a center of city. 

During day we walked around the Novograd-Volynsky. The town is best known as a birth place of Lesya Ukrainka, famous Ukrainian writer. We went in The Lesya Ukrainka Museum and the Kosachs Museum. We walked in the The Old Fortness, near The Town Bell and The Monument to Lesya Ukrainka.  We took a lot of photos. At night we met with our friends and went together to restaurant Ukrainian foods.

We had a great time. Novograd-Volynsky is a small and beautiful city with interesting history. Also this city is place where my husband grew and learned. 
About famous statue of Adam Mickiewicz

I want to tell about famous statue of Adam Mickiewicz in my native town Ivano-Frankivsk.

Adam Mickiewicz is regarded as a national poet of Poland, Lithuania and Belarus and as Poland's greatest poet.

The monument to Adam Mickiewicz in Ivano-Frankivsk was opened on November 20th, 1898. The opening was dated for the anniversary from the poet’s date of birth.

The monument is made of Italian marble. It’s the work of sculptor Tadeusha Blotnitsky. The work on monument creation began in Florence in 1881.

Originally the figure of the poet was executed from the white marble. The words of the Polish language were minted on the pedestal: “Adamowi Mickiewiczowi w setną rocznicę urodzin – obywateli miasta Stanisławowa 1898 rok.” (“to Adam Mickiewicz in centenary anniversary of his birth – citizens of Stanislavov. 1898”).

During the First World War the monument was damaged. In 1930 the figure of the poet was cast from bronze, the pedestal got more accurate geometrical forms. In 1940 the Polish board on the pedestal was replaced by the new one: “Adam Mickiewicz, 1798-1855”.

The statue of Adam Mickiewicz is situated in Adam Mickiewicz’s Square.